Bipolar disorder: antidepressants and the risk of manic phases - Emergency Live International
What does it mean to be bipolar? Bipolar disorders are a set of pathologies characterized by the alternation of: depressive phases: characterized by depressed mood, markedly decreased interest and ability to experience pleasure, decreased self-esteem, feelings of guilt, psychomotor agitation or retardation, insomnia or hypersomnia, decreased appetite, asthenia, decreased libido, decreased the ability to think and concentrate, recurring thoughts of death etc.; phases of manic excitement: characterized, instead, by euphoria or irritability, tendency to accelerate thinking and speaking, decreased need for sleep, distractibility, excessive involvement in playful activities that have a high potential for harmful consequences, increased goal-directed activities social, work, sexual. The phases are interspersed with intercritical periods free of symptoms or with attenuated symptoms and follow one another according to variable configurations in the different individuals affected...