Mental illness - The Express Tribune

Mental aberra­tion is someth­ing as normal as physic­al illnes­s and that can be cured, if diagno­sed timely­

SUKKUR: Besides physical health, mental health plays a vital role in one’s life. If a patient falls ill by some physical illness, it would consult the concerned doctor. However, mental illness is not treated as physical illness; thereby a patient hides his trauma because of peer-pressure.

Moreover, the fear of being treated as an abnormal restricts a patient to be normal. Being the so-called sane individuals of society, it is our prime responsibility to deconstruct the negative connation that is associated with mental illness.

Mental aberration is something normal as physical illness and that can be cured, if diagnosed timely. In our society, almost every individual is grappling with anxiety and depression. A recent study by the American Psychological Association shows that the bipolar disorder has increased across the world in the past 20 years.

Therefore, it is our prime responsibility to reach out to people who we think are suffering alone. Our kind behaviour can save one’s life.

The government should launch public awareness campaigns to combat mental illness. Free-of-cost counseling sessions should be held to help people.

Amir Hussain Abbasi

Published in The Express Tribune, December 31st, 2018.

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