Kit Harington, Britney Spears, and Tabloids’ Toxic Obsession With Celebrity Mental Health - The Daily Beast

Kit Harington, Britney Spears, and Tabloids’ Toxic Obsession With Celebrity Mental Health  The Daily Beast

Photo Illustration by Sarah Rogers/The Daily Beast / Photos Getty When it comes to reprehensible celebrity mental health coverage, the media has more than earned its reputation. From sensationalized write-ups of rehab trips and “breakdowns” to derisive headlines and invasive tactics, there’s a long history of tabloid malfeasance. Worse, articles that poke at people who are seemingly in crisis, reinforcing pre-existing stigmas in the process, can have serious consequences. Britney Spears is an oft-referenced example of the horrors of a parasitic press. As a recent Guardian column recalled, “...


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