Climate grief and the stark choice that confronts us - Ohio Capital Journal
If the five stages of grief are denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance, Americans can be found at all points along the continuum when it comes to global climate change and the environmental crisis that accompanies it. Like many who've contemplated a grim healthcare diagnosis that seems to belie of how they feel in the moment, millions of people – even, at times, those who know better – still cling to the notion that this is all some kind of big mistake. After all, the leaves continue to change. Stories of Rocky Mountain blizzards still populate TV weather reports. Football fans still bundle up during late season games. "Maybe things aren't really that bad," goes the thinking. And anger? One need only glance at any of the oversized, gas guzzling trucks and SUV's barreling down our highways sporting "MAGA" and "Climate Change is BULLCRAP!" bumper stickers to see it in action. (Never mind, ...